- B. Tuğrul, “Nuclear safety Activities and Site Selection of The First Nuclear Power Plant in Turkey”, RCD-RACSAR, Meeting on Nuclear Safety and Site selection of The Nuclear Power Plants, Tahran-IRAN, 31 Jan. - 2 Feb. 1977.
- B. Tuğrul, “Safety Measurements At I.T.U. TRIGA Reactor”, 7th European Conference of TRIGA Users, Istanbul, 15-17 Sept. 1982, Conference Papers, TOC-15, GA Tech.Inc., pp: 1.12-1.23.
- Yarman, A.B. Tuğrul, “A New Approach Via A Weighted Residual Criteria To The To The Thermal-Hydraulics Behaviour of Reactor Core, Application to TMI-2 Accident", 3 rd Multi-Phase Flow and Heat Transfer Symposium-Workshop, Miami Beach, Florida, U.S.A., 18-20 April 1983, Process Technologies Proceedings 1, Part: B Applications, pp: 69 - 80, Elsevier, Amsterdam-Oxford-New York-Tokyo, 1984.
- Tuğrul, F. Sungur, Y. Meriçboyu, F. Yıldız "Radiographic Studies on Ancient Metal Artifacts", 25th International Symposium on Archaeometry, Atina-YUNANISTAN 19-24 May 1986, "Archaeometry" ISBN 0-444-87333-3, Proceedings of the 25th International Symposium, pp: 319-322, Elsevier, Amsterdam, 1989.(Art and Archaeology Technical Abstract AATA'e geçmiştir. Vol.2 No 2, p.269, No:27-2276)
- Aybers, B. Tuğrul, "Potential For Industrial Application of Heat Pumps in Turkey, Second Turkish - German Joint Symposium on Heat Pumps, Istanbul, 4-5 May 1987.
- Tuğrul, Ş. Atik, "Evaluation of Ancient Opaque Glasses By X-Ray Radiography", Science and Archaeology Conference, Glasgow-ISKOÇYA, (24-26 Sept.l 1987), Proceeding, BAR British Series 196, ISBN 0 86054 581 4, 1988, s: 145-152. (Art and Archaeology Technical Abstract AATA'e geçmiştir.Vol.26, No 2, p.244, No 26-2504, 1989) (Milli Kütüphane Kolleksiyonuna alınmıştır. Milli Kütüphane Giriş No. 2867)
- N. Bilge, B. Tuğrul, "Nuclear Applications With ITU TRIGA Reactor", International Symposium on The of Multi-Purpose Research Reactors and Related International Co-operation, IAEA-SM-300/24, Grenoble - FRANSA, 19-23 Ekim 1987, Proceeding s: 587-595, Vienna, (1988). (SCI'te atıfta bulunulmuştur.) (INIS-ATOMINDEX'e geçmiştir. Vol.20, No 6, 15 March 1989, p.1717, No 20:019444) (Milli Kütüphane Kolleksiyonuna alınmıştır. Milli Kütüphane Giriş No. 2866)
- Tuğrul, A.Görkem, N.Ölçer, "Restoration-Conservation Studies on Cizre-Mardin Ulucami Door By The Scientific Methods", International Symposium on Archaeometry, Toronto-Kanada, 16-20 May 1988, s: 118.
- Tuğrul, A.N. Bilge, "Modernization Design of Neutron Radiography of ITU TRIGA Mark-II Reactor", 10th European TRIGA Users Conference , Vienna-AUSTURIA, 14-16 Sept. 1988, Proceeding, TOC-21, pp. 5.21 - 5.31.(INIS-ATOMINDEX'e geçmiştir. Vol.20, No 3, 1 Feb.1989, p.775, No 20:008954)
- Tuğrul, A.N. Bilge, H. Yavuz, "The Possibility of Gamma Ray Sterilization by Using ITU TRIGA Mark-II Reactor", 10th European TRIGA Users Conference , Vienna- AUSTURIA, 14-16 Sept. 1988 Proceeding, TOC-21, pp: 5.33-5.40.(INIS-ATOMINDEX'e geçmiştir. Vol.20, No 3, 1 Feb.1989, p.712, No 20:008207)
- N. Bilge, H. Yavuz, B. Tuğrul, "The Evaluation of The Radioisotope Production For Industrial Uses", 10th European TR{GA Users Conference , Vienna, AUSTURIA, 14-16 Sept.1988, Proceeding, TOC-21, pp.: 6.1 - 6.16. (INIS-ATOMINDEX'e geçmiştir. Vol.20, No 3, 1 Feb.1989, p.733, No 20:008457)
- Tuğrul, "Studies on Some Metal Artifacts From Vize Timulus By Non-Destructive Testing", International Colloquim on The Discovery of Metal, Saint Germain en Laye FRANCE, 19-21 Jan. 1989.
- N. Bilge, B. Tuğrul, H. Yavuz, "Evaluation of Gamma Radiography by Using ITU TRIGA Mark-II Research Reactor", Second Asian Seminar on Research Reactors, ASRR-II/44, Jakarta-INDONEZIA, 22-26 May. 1989, Proceeding, Vol.II, National Atomic Energy, pp. 85-93.
- Tuğrul, "Investigation on Anatolian Opaque Glasses", Archaeological Sciences Conference, Bradford-ENGLAND 20-22 Sept. 1989, Proceeding pp: 115-118,1991.
- Tuğrul, A. ÖZAY, "Investigation on Ottoman Taps By The Nondestructive Testing" International Symposium on Archaeometry, Heidelberg-ALMANYA, 2-6 April 1990, 1988.
- . S. Tuncer, Tuğrul, "Radioactivity Levels in Drinking Water of West Side of Turkey", First Tatarstan Symposium on Energy, Environment and Economics, 9-4 Aug. 1992, Kazan - Tatarstan - pp. 182.
- Tuğrul, "Radiological Studies on Anatolia", 29 th International Symposium on Archaeometry, Ankara, 9-14 May. 1994, Proceeding (1996), pps: 483-496.
- Tuğrul, C. Soyhan, "Studies on Ottoman Padlocks Using Nondestructive Testing Methods", 29 th International Symposium on Archaeometry, Ankara, 9-14 May.1994, pp. 487-504.
- Güngör, B.Tuğrul, "The Variety of Phantoms Used in Whole Body Counter", General Conference of The Balkan Physcical Union, 2-4 Sept. 1994, Izmir.
- Güngör, B. Onat, B. Tuğrul, E. Güngör, "The Determination of I Contamination of The Workers in The Nuclear Medicine", General Conference of The Balkan Physcical Union, 2-4 Sept. 1994, Izmir.
- Doğan, A.B. Tuğrul, “Investigation of Soda Glasses That Are Exposed Co-60”, International Symposium on Glass Problems, 4-6 Sept. 1996, Istanbul, Proceeding pp: 185- 191.
- Doğan, A.B. Tuğrul, “Spectroscopic Investigation of Exposed Soda Glasses”, International Symposium on Lasers, Atomic and Molecular Physics, LAMP-97 16-20 Sept. 1997, Istanbul.
- Doğan, A.B. Tuğrul, “Comperative Evaluation of Soda Glasses That Are Exposed By The Different Radiation Sources”, 15th European TRIGA Users Conference, 1998, Espoo, Finland, Proc. Pp. 81-102.
- Doğan, A.B. Tuğrul, “An Investigation of The Radiation Effect On Lead Glass By Different Radiation”, Nuclear Technology - 99, 18-21 May 1999, Karlsruhe, Germany, Proc. pp. 681-686.
- Baydoğan, M.Baydoğan, A.B. Tuğrul, H. Çimenoğlu, “The effect of radiation on low cycle fatigue behaviour of a stainless stell”, BPU-4, Fourth General Conference of the Balkan Physics Union, Aug. 22-27 2000, Veliko Turnovo, Bulgaria.
- Altınsoy, A.B. Tuğrul, "Determination of Concentration Profiles For Entrance Region of Turbulent Pipe Flow by Using Radiotracer Technique, BPU-4, Fourth General Conference of the Balkan Physics Union, Aug. 22-27 2000, Veliko Turnovo, Bulgaria.
- B. Tuğrul, “Archaeometric Studies By Using Neutrography in ITU TRIGA Mark-II Reactor”, 16th European TRIGA Conference, 25-28 Sept. 2000, Pitesti-Romania, CD Proc., S2-04/1-14
- Yener, A.B. Tuğrul, “Evaluation of Nuclear safety Measurements in ITU TRIGA Mark-II Reactor”, 16th European TRIGA Conference, 25-28 Sept. 2000., Pitesti-Romania, Cd Proc. S3-02/1-15.
- B. Tuğrul, F. Baytaş, N. Altınsoy, B. Ayaz, N. Doğan, S. Şahin “Investigation on Golden Horn (Haliç) Quaternary Sequence By Determination of Alpha and Beta Radioactivity Levels”, 1st Eurasia Nuclear Science and Applications Conference, 22-27 Oct. 2000, İzmir, Proc. Vol. 1, pp. 559-566
- B. Tuğrul, N. Altınsoy, “Flow rate Determination For Open Channel Flows By Using Raditracer Balance method”, 1st Eurasia Nuclear Science and Applications Conference, 22-27 Oct. 2000, İzmir, Proc. Vol. 1, pp. 501-506
- B. Tuğrul, N. Altınsoy, B. Ayaz, “A Statistical Study of Filters Used As Shielding For TV and PC Monitors, 1st Eurasia Nuclear Science and Applications Conference, 22-27 Oct. 2000, İzmir, Proc., Vol. 1, pp. 371-378.
- Kurtoğlu, A.B. Tuğrul, “Red Gold Analysis By Using Gamma absorption Techniques”, 1st Eurasia Nuclear Science and Applications Conference, 22-27 Oct. 2000, İzmir. Proc., Vol. 2, pp. 699-704
- Altınsoy, A.B. Tuğrul, “Determination of Turbulance Parameters By Using Methylene-Blue Tracer in Vertical Pipe Water Flow”, International sympossium on Multiphase Flow and Transport Phonomena (MFTP-2000), ICHMT, 5-10 Nov. 2000, Antalya, Proc. pp. 325-332.
- B.Tuğrul, İ.Yılmaz, B. Ataksor, S. Şahin, “Evaluation of Radioactivity Levels For Water Resources in Bursa Region”, International symposium on Water Resources and Environmental Impact”, 11-13 July 2001, Istanbul, Proc., pp. 97-106
- B.Tuğrul, M. Barla, A. Kurtoğlu, Z. Er, B. Ataksor, “Evaluation of Seawater Radioactivity Levels For Tuzla Region in Marmara Sea”, Radioprotection of The Environment - International Symposium on In Situ Nuclear Metrology As A Tool For Radioecology”, 10-12 June 2002, Fleurus-Belgium, CD Proc., pp. 182-183.
- B.Tuğrul, “Neutron Radiography Applications in ITU TRIGA Reactor”, 2nd Eurasia Nuclear Science and Applications Conference, Almaty, Kazakhistan, 16-19 Sept.2002, Proc. pp.205-214
- B.Tuğrul, N. Doğan Baydoğan, “The Evaluation of Neutron and Mixed Radiation Effect on Several Type of Silicate Glass”, 2nd Eurasia Nuclear Science and Applications Conference, Almaty, Kazakhistan, Proc.16-19 Sept.2002,
- B.Tuğrul, “Quality Concept For Energy Implementation”, The First International Energy and Environment Syposium, Izmir, 13-17 July, 2003. Proc. pp.431-434.
- Er, A.B.Tuğrul, T. Satır, C. Deniz, M. Frusho, “Study on Oil Spill in Marmara Sea Coastal Areas”, International Conference on The Mediterranean Coastal Environment, Revann-Italy, Proc. pp:1093-1095, Oct. 2003.
- İ.Karaaslan, B. Tuğrul, “New Approach to Salinity Determination and Salinty Dispersion Along Bosphorus, Eighth International Water Technology Conference, IWTC9 2004, Alexandria, Egypt, Proc. p:163-173.
- İ.Karaaslan, B. Tuğrul, “Mathematical Salinity Dispersion Model Along Bosphorus, Ninth International Water Technology Conference, IWTC9 2005, Sharm El-Sheikh, Egypt, Proc. p:1257-1264.
- Doğan Baydoğan, M. Baydoğan, A.B. Tuğrul, H. Çimenoğlu, “ Low Cycle Fatigue Behaviour of Irradiated Stainless Steel As Shielding Material, International Congress on Advances in Nuclear Power Plants (ICAPP 06), Nevada-USA, Proc. 2101-2104, 2006.
- Altınsoy, A.B. Tuğrul, “Simulation Study for Scenario of RadionuclideReleasing in a Open Channel”, International Symposium “In-Sıtu Nuclear Methodology as A tool For Radioecology – Insunume” radioprotection of Environment, pp. 63, 6-8 Sept. 2006, İzmir.
- B. Tuğrul, “Investigation of Laminar Pipe Flow By Using radiotracer Technique”, Tracer 4 Conress, Grenoble – France, 2006. [Bildiri ftp olarak internette (ftp://ftp.cea.fr/incoming/y2k01/Tracer4 Proceedings/) yayınlanmıştır.]
- Altınsoy, A.B. Tuğrul, “Evaluation of Entrance Length Effects on Turbulence Parameters By Using radiotracer Technique”, Tracer 4 Congress, Grenoble – France, 2006. Bildiri ftp olarak internette (ftp://ftp.cea.fr/incoming/y2k01/Tracer4 Proceedings/) yayınlanmıştır.
- Baydoğan N.D., Baydoğan M, Tugrul, A.B., Çimenoğlu H., "Low Cycle Fatigue Behaviour of Irradiated Stainless Steel As Shielding Material", (2006) International Congress on the Advances in Nuclear Power Plants (ICAPP '06),2101-2104, June 4-8, 2006, Reno, Nevada, USA.
- Beril Tuğrul, Nilgün D. Baydoğan, Nesrin. Altınsoy, Deniz Dizar, Ertuğrul Yağcı, Radiographic Investigation on Automotive Parts, 3rd International Non-Destructive Testing Symposium, 17-19 Nisan 2008, pp. 126-135, Istanbul.
- Karatepe, S. Hacıyakupoğlu, N. Altınsoy, N. Doğan Baydoğan, B. Tuğrul, “Investigation of Radioiodine Isotope Adsorption on Activated Carbon” V. Eurasia Nuclear Science and Applications Conference, pp. 144, Ankara-Turkey, 14-17 Oct. 2008
- Ö. Özdemir, H. Çimenoğlu, Tuğrul, G. Albayrak, N. Baydoğan, N. Altınsoy, M. Baydoğan, H.Sengel, F. Akmaz, A. Parlar, 2008, The Optical Behavior of ZnO Films Against The Radiation, 14th International Metallurgy & Materials Congress (IMMC 2008), 16-18 October 2008, Sempozyum Cd’sinde basıldı.pp. 1652-1659.
- Tekin, H. Tuğral, Ö. Özdemir, H. Çimenoğlu, E. S. Kayalı, A. B. Tuğrul, N. Baydoğan, M. Baydoğan, N. Altınsoy, G. Albayrak, H. Sengel, F. Akmaz, A. Parlar, (2009), Investigation of Heat Treatment and Al Doping On Irradiated Nanosize Hexagonal Zno, 5th International Advanced Technologies Symposium (IATS 09), May 13-15, 2009, Karabuk, Turkey. Sempozyum Cd’sinde basıldı.
- Hacıyakupoğlu, N. Altınsoy, N. Karatepe, N. Baydoğan, B. Tuğrul, M. Demir. E. Çetinkaya, E. Oruçoğlu, “Investigation on Torrent Control by Using Clay and Activated Carbon for I-131” LANDCON 0905 Conference, Belgrad-Serbia, 26-30 May 2009, Sempozyum Cd’sinde basıldı.
- Tekin, N. Baydogan, H. Cimenoglu, S. Kayali, M. Baydoğan B. Tuğrul, N. Altinsoy, G.Albayrak, H. Sengel, F. Akmaz, A. Parlar, R. Budakoglu 2009, Mechanical Properties of Induced ZnO:Al Nanoparticles by Cs-137 for Enhanced Device and Sensor Functionality, Nanoelectronic Devices for Defense & Security (NANO-DDS) Conference, 28 Eylül -2 Ekim, 2009, Fort Lauderdale, Florida USA.
- Tugral, N. Baydogan, H. Cimenoglu, S.Kayali, B. Tuğrul, M.Baydogan, N. Altinsoy, G. Albayrak, H. Sengel, F. Akmaz, A. Parlar, 2009, Evaluation of Optical and Colour Parameters on Induced Al Dopped Nanostructured ZnO Thin Film By Beta Radiation For The Commercialization of ZnO:Al in Civilian and Military Industries, Nanoelectronic Devices for Defense & Security (NANO-DDS) Conference, 28 Eylül -2 Ekim, 2009, Fort Lauderdale, Florida USA.
- Tekin, H. Tugral, O. Ozdemir, N. Baydogan, H. Çimenoğlu, E. S. Kayalı, A. B. Tuğrul, M. Baydoğan, N. Altınsoy, G. Albayrak, H. Sengel, F. Akmaz, A. Parlar, The Crystallization and Physical Properties of Irradiated Al Doped ZnO Thin Film, EUROMAT 2009, 7-10 September 2009: SECC, Glasgow, UK
- Nişli, M.Demir, B.Demir, B. Kalmaz, G.Yılmaz, A.B. Tuğrul, M. Halac, S. Sager, I. Uslu, Radiation Protection for Accompaniment Person in PET/CT, Annual Congress of The European Association of Nuclear Medicine – EANM’09, 10-14 October 2009, Barcelona, Spain. Proc. Vol.36, pp. 466-467. ISSN: 1619-7070
- Haciyakupoglu, N. Altinsoy, N. Karatepe, N. Baydoğan1, A.B. Tugrul1, M.Demir, E.Cetinkaya, E. Orucoglu, Investigation On Torrent Control By Using Clay And Activated Carbon For I-131, Belgrad-Serbia, Sept.2010, CD Proc.
- Bel, A.B. Tuğrul, Permeability of Beta Particles for Four Metals with Copper, ERR-2010, Europeanadiation Research Society, s: 201, Sept.2010, Stockholm-Sweeden.
- B. Tuğrul, Training And Research Studies in Turkey at the Stage Of Nuclear Power Plant Establishment, Consultancy Meeting on Regional Research Reactor Coalitions and Centres of Excellence to Enhance Availability, Utilisation and Support to Newcomer States Planning Nuclear Power Plants, 13 - 16 October 2010, IAEA, Prague, Czech Republic.
- Büyük, A.B. Tugrul, A.C. Akarsu, O. Addemir, “Investigation on The Effects of Titanium-diBoride Particle Size on Radiation Shielding Properties of Titanium-diBoride Reinforced Boron Carbide Composites, 1st International Conference on Nanomaterials: Applications & Properties, NAP-2011, 27-30 Sept.2011. Proc. Vol 2, Part II, pp. 381-384
- Büyük, A.B. Tugrul, A.C. Akarsu, O. Addemir, “Investigation on The Effects of Boron Carbide Particle Size on Radiation Shielding Properties of Boron -Carbide - Titanium Diboride Composites”, “2nd Advances in Applied Physics and Materials Science Congress -APMAS 2012” 26-29 April 2012. Antalya.
- F.Baytaş, A.B. Tugrul , F. Gökbulak, N. Baydoğan, N. Altinsoy, S. Haciyakupoğlu, N. Karatepe, S. Erentürk, B. Büyük, E. Demir, Z. Camtakan, Investigation of Salt Diffusion in Soil by Using Radiotracing Technique, 8th Internatiol Conference on Diffusion in Solids and Liquids, DSL2012, Istanbul-Turkey, 25-29 June 2012,
- Haciyakupoğlu, S. Akyıl Erentürk, N. Karatepe, A.B. Tuğrul, A. F. Baytaş,
N. Altinsoy, N. Baydoğan, B. Büyük, E. Demir, “Remediation Investigation on
Selenium in Aqueous Environment With Using Activated Carbon” Global
Conference on Global Warming GCGW-2012, Istanbul-Turkey, 8-12 July 2012,
Proc. pp. 940-949.
- Baydoğan, A.B. Tuğrul, “The Effect of Neutron and Mixed Neutron /Gamma Irradiation on The Solar Parameters of Borosilicate Glass”, 12th. International Symposium on Novel and Nono Materials- ISNNM, 26-30 August 2012, İstanbul
- Haciyakupoglu, A.B. Tugrul, A. F. Baytas, F. Gokbulak, N. Altinsoy, N. Baydogan, B. Buyuk, E. Demir, Behaviour of KNO3 Fertelizer in Soil by the View of Land Conservation, LANDCON 2012, Belgrad-Serbia, 17-20 Sept.2012.
- B. Tuğrul, “Is Nuclear Power a Necessity for Turkey”, Power Industry –Turkey / Ensuring Turkey’s PowerFuture, 26-28 Eylül 2012, İstanbul, “Closing Keynote Speaker”
- V. Uglov, B. Buyuk*, A.B. Tugrul, S.B.Lastovski, S.V. Zlotski, A.O,Addemir, Y.V. Bogatyrev , V.Shymanski ,. Irradiation Effects on Hexagonal Boron Nitride Coated Titanium Diboride Reinforced Boron Carbide-Silicon Carbide Composites, International Conference on Atomic Collisions in Solids ICACS-25, Kyoto,Japan, 21-25 Oct.2012, Proc. in press.
- V. Uglov, B. Buyuk*, A.B. Tugrul, S.B. Lastovski, S.V. Zlotski, A. O, Addemir, Y.V. Bogatyrev, V. Shymanski, Irradiation Effects on Hexagonal Boron Nitride Boron Carbide-Silicon Carbide Systems, Nuclear Materials Congress, NUMAT-25, Osaka, Japan, 22-23 Oct. 2012, Proc. in press.
- B. Tuğrul, Z. Er, Dar Su Yollarında Gemiler İçin Düşük Ve Yüksek Sızıntı Hallerine İlişkin Yüzey Kirliliği İncelemesi, International, Waste Waste Sypmposium Technplogy & Environment, IWES-2012, 1-16 Ksaım 2012, İstanbul, CD Proc. pp.1-6.
- B. Tuğrul, Evaluation Energy Policy For Energy Power Plants, The 4th International Symposium on S ustainable Development, ISSD-2013, 24-26 May 2013 Saraybosna-Bosna, Featured Papers, http://issd.ibu.edu.ba/userfiles/file/proceedings.pdf
- Abdurrahman, A.B. Tuğrul, Evaluation on Security of Energy Supply for Macedonia, The 4th International Symposium on Sustainable Development, ISSD-2013, 24-26 May 2013 Saraybosna-Bosna, Papers, http://issd.ibu.edu.ba/userfiles/file/proceedings.pdf
- B. Tuğrul, “How to Localize Nuclear Power Technology in the Future?,”
Turkey-MENA- Nuclear Industry Congress, 18-19 Haziran 2013, Istanbul.
- Demir, A.B.Tugrul, N.Baydoğan, A. F.Baytaş, N. Altinsoy, S. Haciyakupoglu, B. Buyuk, Evaluation of Rubidium and Potassium Diffusion in Soil by Radiotracer Technique, 9th Internatiol Conference on Diffusion in Solids and Liquids, DSL2013, Madrid-Spain, 24-28 June 2013, Abst.Book. 222-223.
- Demir, A.B.Tugrul, Investigation of Rubidium Dispersion in Soil By The View of Environment, The International Conference on Water, Energy and Environment (ICWEE’2013), Kuşadası, 21-24 Sept. 2013,CD Proc. 261/1-4
- Engin, A.B. Tugrul, Supply Security of Natural Gas in Turkey and SWOT Analysis, The International Conference on Water, Energy and Environment (ICWEE’2013), Kuşadası, 21-24 Sept. 2013, CD Proc. 87/1-10
- B. Tuğrul, “Importance of Nuclear Energy in Energy Policy of Turkey”
Nuclear Energy Development Summit 2013 – East Europe, Turkey and Middle East, 21-22 November 2013, Istanbul
- B.Tugrul, S.Çimen, “Energy Initiatives for Turkey”, "International Conference on Economics and Econometrics - ICEE 2013”, 2-3 Aralık 2013, Dubai-BAE, Proc. pp. 40-44.
- Yilmaz, A.B. Tugrul, M. Demir, D.Yasar, B. Demir, B. Buyuk, ”PET/CT Patient Dosage Assay”, "International Conference on Medical and Biomedical Engineering – ICMBE 2013”, 5-6 Dec.2013, Istanbul, Proc. pp. 106-110, 2013.
- B. Tuğrul “Energy, Sustainable Development and Importance of Worlwide Cooperation”, Novel Energy for the Regenerative Built Environment Technical and Managerial Aspects Workshop, 3-6 Mart 2014, İstanbul
- B. Tuğrul “Energy Policy and Sustainable Development”, Novel Energy and Biotechnology Developments in the Sustainable Built Environment Workshop, 24-27 Mart 2014, İstanbul.
- Cevikbas, A. B.Tugrul, U. Onen, T. Boyraz, B. Buyuk, “An investigation of aluminum titanate-spinel composites behavior in radiation”, , APMAS-2014, 24-27 April 2014 Fethiye-Turkey, AIP Conference Proceedings 1653, 020029 1-7 (2015); DOI: 10.1063/1.4914220 http://scitation.aip.org/docserver/fulltext/aip/proceeding/aipcp/1653/10.1063/1.4914220/1.4914220.pdf?expires=1428872858&id=id&accname=guest&checksum=6B209854E6F239FA74809098953DD410
- Kısınma, A. B.Tugrul, “Thyroid Dose Evaluation and Calculation of Backscatter Factors for Co-60 Irradiation”, International Conference on Medical Physics, Radiation Protection and Radiobiology, ICMPRPR-2013 , 19-20 Sept. 2013, Istanbul, Proc. Issue 81, Part VII, pp. 821-824. pISSN 2010-376X.
- Buyuk, A.B. Tugrul, M. Cengiz, G. Goller, O. Yucel, F.C. Sahin, Effects of Irradiation On Spark Plasma Sintered Boron Carbide-Aluminium Composites”, The Nuclear Materials Conference, 27-30 Oct.2014, Florida-USA.
- B. Buyuk, V. Uglov, A. B. Tugrul, S.B. Lastovski, N. Ay, M. Okka, N. D. Baydogan,V. Shymanski,S. Zlotski, “Electron and Neutron Irradiation Effects on Hexagonal Boron Nitride-Titanium Diboride Composites”, The Nuclear Materials Conference (NU-MAT 2014), 27-30 Oct.2014, Florida-USA.
- V. Uglov, G. Abadias, P. Gaiduk, S. Zlotsk, S.S. Leshkevich, A.B. Tugrul, B. Bulent, “Stability of the Phase Composition of Nanocomposite System Ti-Zr-Si-N after of Xe Ion Irradiation”, The Nuclear Materials Conference, 27-30 Oct.2014, Florida-USA.
- B.Tugrul, “Energy Policy and Interactions with Politics and Economics”, "International Conference on Energy Environmental Engineering - ICEEE 2014”, 21-22 Kasım 2014, Paris-France, Proc. pp. 801-804.
- B. Tugrul, Contemporary Strategies for Energy Supply Security, International Conference on Military and Security Studies-2015, 10-11 March 2015, Istanbul, Proc. pp: 126-130, ISBN-978-975-409-711-5.
- B. Tugrul, Local Support to Nuclear Energy Development in Turkey, 3rd MENA Nuclear Industry Congress, 15-16 April 2015, Istanbul
- Yıldırım, A.B. Tuğrul, B. Büyük, E. Demir, “Gamma Attenuation Properties of Some Aluminum Alloys”, 5th International Advances in Applied Physics and Materials Science Congress-APMAS-2015 , 16-19 Nisan 2015, Fethiye-Türkiye, p.564.
- B. Tuğrul, E. Demir, O. Yılmaz, L. Öveçoğlu, S. Sönmez, B. Büyük, , “An Investigation on The Mass Attenuation Coefficients of Tungsten-Vanadium-Titanium Composites for Gamma Radio Isotopes”, 5th International Advances in Applied Physics and Materials Science Congress-APMAS-2015 , 16-19 Nisan 2015, Fethiye-Türkiye, p. 466
- B. Tugrul, Education and Activities in Nuclear Related Areas in Turkey, 3rd MENA Nuclear Industry Congress, 09-11 June 2015, Istanbul
- B. Tuğrul, N. Altinsoy, E. Demir, S. Akyil Erentürk, N. Karatepe, S. Haciyakupoğlu, B. Büyük, N. Baydoğan, A.F. Baytaş, Z.Er, Investigation for Removal of Methylene-Blue in Aqueous Environment by Using Different Membranes, Fifth International Conference on Environmental Management, Engineering,Planning and Economics (CEMEPE 2015) and SECOTOX Conference, Mykanos-Greece, Proc. pp. 344-349.
- Er, A. B. Tugrul Research on Mathematical Model of Discharge State Analysis With Radiation Tracing Technique for Narrow Water Ways, Fifth International Conference on Environmental Management, Engineering,Planning and Economics (CEMEPE 2015) and SECOTOX Conference, 15-18 June 2015, Mykanos-Greece, Proc. pp.275-281
- Bulent Buyuk, Meral Cengiz, Beril Tugrul, S. Cagri Ozer, S.B. Lastovski, Onuralp Yucel, Gultekin Goller, Filiz C. Sahin, Neutron Irradiation Effects On Spark Plasma Sıntered Boron Carbide, 11th International Conference “Interaction of Radiation with Solids”, September 23-25, 2015, Minsk, Belarus, Proc. pp.85-87.
- Engin, M.A.Yıkılmaz, A.B.Tuğrul, Securing Natural Gas Supply in Turkey: Import Capacity and Projected Consumption, INERMA “International Energy Raw Materials and Energy Confex”, 1-3 Ekim 2015, Istanbul
- Tuna, C. Yildirim, M. Baydogan, N. Baydogan, H. Cimenoglu, A.B. Tugrul, (2015), “Manufacturing of Nanocomposite Tetraethyl Orthosilicate (TEOS) Silica Aerogels for Energy Applications”, INERMA “International Energy Raw Materials and Energy Confex”, 1-3 Ekim 2015, Istanbul.
- B. Tugrul, S. Çimen, “Importance of Corporate Governance for Energy in Sustainable Development and Evaluation With Quantitative SWOT Analysis”, 2nd International Conference on Computational and Experimental Science and Engineering-ICCESEN-2015, 14-19 Oct.2015, Antalya, p. 186
- Gulten Yilmaz, Beril Tugrul, Mustafa Demir, Dogan Yasar, Bayram Demir, Assesment of Dose Determination for Positron Emission Tomography (PET) and Evaluation Wıth MIRD Method, 2nd International Conference on Computational and Experimental Science and Engineering-ICCESEN-2015, 14-19 Oct.2015, Antalya, p.468.
- Zaim, A.B.Tugrul, H. Atlas, B. Buyuk, E.Demir, N.Baydogan, N. Altınsoy, “Investigation of Natural Radioctivity for Surface Soil Samples in the Vicinity of Edirne-Turkey”, 2nd International Conference on Computational and Experimental Science and Engineering-ICCESEN-2015, 14-19 Oct.2015, Antalya, p.70
- Maranci, A. B. Tugrul, Determination of Critical Organ Doses for Liver Scintigraphy Using Cr-51, 17th International Conference on Medical Physics and Medical Sciences, ICMPMS 2015, 26-27 Oct. 2015, Istanbul, Proc. Part XIV, pp.2064-2067
- Ertuğrul Demir, Beril Tuğrul, Sultan Sönmez, Lutfi Öveçoğlu, Bülent Büyük, Ozan Yılmaz, Gamma Attenuation Behavior of W-VC-C and W-VC-TiC-C Composites for Co-60 Radioisotope, Advanced and Functional Material Technologies, AFMAT-2015, 26-28 Oct.2015, Antalya, p.20
- Gulten Yilmaz, Beril Tugrul, Mustafa Demir, Dogan Yasar, Bayram Demir, Ertuğrul Demir. “Dose Evaluation for Patients and Personnel of Positron Emission Tomography (PET), Advanced and Functional Material Technologies, AFMAT-2015, 26-28 Oct.2015, Antalya, p.60
- B. Tugrul, Nuclear Energy Development in Turkey, 4th MENA Nuclear Industry Congress, 11-12 May 2016, Istanbul
- Ibrahim H. Kılıc, B. Tugrul, Wind Power Assessment for Turkey and Evaluation by APULUS Code, 18th International Conference on Renewable Energy and Energy Management- ICREEM 2016, 01-02 June 2016, Dubai, Proc. Part I, pp.38-42, pISSN: 2010-376K
- B. Tuğrul, N. Altinsoy, E. Demir, S. Akyıl Erentürk, N.Karatepe, S. Haciyakupoğlu, B. Büyük, N. Baydoğan, A. F.Baytaş, Z.Er, “Evaluation for Elimination of Methylene- orange from Aqueous Media by Using Membrane”, 6th International Advances in Applied Physics and Materials Science Congress-APMAS-20156, 01-03 June 2016, Istanbul-Turkey. (Abs.Book 196), AIP Conference Proceedings
- Demir, M.Karabaş, S.Sönmez, A.B. Tuğrul, L. Öveçoğlu, B. Büyük, Comparison Radiation Behavour Properties of Tungsten and Additive Metal Coatings on 321 Stainless Steel Substrate”, 6th International Advances in Applied Physics and Materials Science Congress-APMAS-2016 , 01-03 June 2016, Istanbul-Turkey. (Abs. Book p. 76)
- Berna Ataksor, Beril Tuğrul, “Assessment on Pollution of Basin Surface Water By Measurements of Gross Alpha And Gross Beta Radioactivity”, International Scientific Conference on Protection of Biodiversity in The condition of Urbanization and Industrilization, Gence-Azerbaycan, 20-22 Oct.2016, Proc. pp. 15-19.
- B. Tugrul, “Evaluation of Nuclear Energy in Energy Supply Security for Turkey”, 3rd International Conference on Computational and Experimental Science and Engineering-ICCESEN-2015, 19-24 Oct.2016, Antalya, p.
- Demir, A. B. Tugrul, S. Sonmez, L. Ovecoglu, B. Buyuk, O.Yilmaz, “Assessment on Gamma Attenuation Behavior of W-VC-C and W-VC-TiC-C Composites for Co-60 Radioisotope”, 3rd International Conference on Computational and Experimental Science and Engineering-ICCESEN-2015, 19-24 Oct.2016, Antalya, p.
- Ö.Maranci, A.B. Tugrul, “The Chronic Dose Assesment of Three Critical Organs For Liver Scintigraphy With Using Cr-51”, 3rd International Conference on Computational and Experimental Science and Engineering-ICCESEN-2015, 19-24 Oct.2016, Antalya, p.
- Er, A.B.Tugrul, “A Study of Ship Discharge State analysis in A Narrow Water Way: The Contribution of Mathematical Modelling”, 3rd International Conference on Computational and Experimental Science and Engineering-ICCESEN-2015, 19-24 Oct.2016, Antalya, p.
- B. Tugrul, Competitive Evaluation of Power Plants in Energy Policy, 18th International Conference on Power Systems, Electronics and Nanotechnology- ICPSEN-2016, 19-20 Dec. 2016, Istanbul, CD Proc.
- B. Tuğrul, Paradoksal Enerji Üçlemesi (Enerji Trilemması) ve Nükleer Enerji,
- Uluslararası Enerji ve Çevre Konferansı ICCI-2017", 3-5 Mayıs, 2017, İstanbul,
CD Proc.s: 6-10.
- Varinlioğlu, A. B. Tuğrul, Investigation of Vertical Transportation of Cs-137 in The Different Soil Types and For The Different Raining Regimes”, Turkish Physical Society 33rd International Physics Congress, Bodrum-Turkey, Sept.6-10 2017, Book of Abstract, p: 511, AIP Proc. 1935(1): 120001, DOI: 10.1063/1.5025999, 20, Feb 2018.
- Demir, A. B. Tuğrul, B. Buyuk, O.Yilmaz, L. Ovecoglu, Comparison of W-VC-C Composites Against Co-60, Se-75 and Sb-125 for Gamma Radioisotope Sources”, Turkish Physical Society 33rd International Physics Congress, Bodrum-Turkey, Sept.6-10 2017, (Book of Abstract, p: 665).
- B. Tuğrul, Radiotracer Applications for Determination of Flow Parameters, 4th International Conference on Computational and Experimental Science and Engineering-ICCESEN-2017, 4-8 Oct.2017, Antalya, Abstract Book, p.59.
- Demir, A. B. Tuğrul, B. Buyuk, Determination of Gamma Ray Attenuation of WC-6 wt %Co Material Against Co-60 Gamma Radiotracer Applications for Gamma Radioisotope Source, 4th International Conference on Computational and Experimental Science and Engineering-ICCESEN-2017, 4-8 Oct.2017, Antalya, Abstract Book, p.114.
- Berna Ataksor, Beril Tuğrul, “Gross Alpha And Gross Beta RadioactivityDetermination for Golden Horn and Comparable Evaluation With Receptor Model, 4th International Conference on Computational and Experimental Science and Engineering-ICCESEN-2017, 4-8 Oct.2017, Antalya, Abstract Book, p.855.
- B. Tuğrul, Nuclear Power Plants in Turkey’s Energy Trilemma”, 5th Turkey-Middle East and Africa Nuclear Industry Congress 2017, 18-19 Oct.2017, Istanbul.
- Ertuğrul Demir, Yury M. Gledenov, Asif Nabıyev, Ahmed Islamov, Vitaly Turchenko, Andrzej Pawlukojc, Ozan Yılmaz, Beril Tugrul, Bülent Buyuk, Lütfi Ovecoglu,”Investigations on Microstructure, Electrical, And Thermal Properties of Tungsten Based Composites”, 18th International Balkan Workshop on Applied Physics and Materials Science-IBWAP-2018, July 10-13, 2018, Constanta, Romania. (accepted).
- B. Tuğrul, “Importance of Bosphorous and Dardanelles in The Energy-Politics and Evaluation With Their Alternatives”, Taras Shevchenko 1st International Congress on Social Sciences”, 11-13 August 2018, Kiev-Ukrania
- Ö. Maranci, B. Tuğrul,Dose Assesment for Cr-51 Liver Scintigraphy and The Comparison With MIRD Method”, Turkish Physical Society 34rd International Physics Congress, Bodrum-Turkey, Sept.5-9, 2018, (Book of Abstract, p: ).
- B. Tuğrul, Energy Relation With Sustainable Development, International Conference on Energy and Sustainable Built Environment, 19-20 June 2019, Istanbul.
- Beril Tuğrul, Essential Aspects for Energy Policy, World Energy Strategies Congress/WESCE-2019, 26-28 Aug.2019, YTU, Istanbul